Color range
We are proud to offer you a fantastic color range. A suitable color for every season and trend.

In the webshop you can choose from this color range for each article.

There is a surcharge of 10% on the following colors:

  • 105 – White structure
  • 204 – Chrome silver gloss
  • 222 – Grey lasur
  • 223 – Green lasur
  • 224 – Brown beige lasur
  • 271 – Dark grey structure
  • 277 – Granite lasur
  • 357 – Rose Pink structure
  • 361 – Red structure
  • 377 – Ruby lasur
  • 406 – Copper
  • 421 – Pearl gold
  • 430 – Rose gold
  • 466 – Bronze
  • 468 – Champagne
  • 470 – Pearl structure
  • 471 – Brown structure
  • 477 – Curry lasur
  • 491 – Bamboo structure
  • 677 – Ocean Lasur